Driving MBA

Driving MBA’s primary objective is to keep teen drivers and all of us safer on the road. Stories about teen drivers continue to be featured in newspapers and publications across the country. Whether it is you, your teen, friends or family, even someone you don’t know, a car collision can change lives forever. Make sure your teen is prepared to handle all types of driving situations.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Teen Was Texting at Time of Accident

It happened in Lewiston, Idaho this week. A teen was texting while driving in a car full of passengers. A VERY dangerous combination. I see two things wrong with this picture - one - that she tried to text message while driving which we know takes our eyes off the road and two - that other teens were in the car with her. What was so important that whoever was on the other end of her text message needed to know right then and there? We will never know. She lost control of her vehicle on the highway. One passenger is in critical condition after experiencing a ruptured spleen and the other suffered a concussion.

Two states mentioned in the article have already implemented a ban on cell phone usage while driving...Washington and Utah. Idaho hasn't favored this restriction and come to think of it, neither has Arizona.

I'm not saying that teens are completely at fault for talking on cell phones or texting while driving. We are all guilty of doing it at one point or another and we need to stop. After all, what's more important? Putting you and others on the road in danger to have a conversation or getting to your destination alive? You be the judge.

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