Is the Speed Limit a Law, or a Suggestion?
The controversy over photo radar to enforce speed limits on AZ roads is heating up. One of the comments recently posted to a Tribune article follows:
"....... I drive 85 MPH all the time in the left lane. When I see the cameras, I slow down to 74 MPH for fifty feet or so and then speed up again. I don't tailgate, drink or talk on the phone while I drive; did I really endanger anyone? I think not. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a moron."
Does this person understand that at 85mph (criminal speed by AZ statute) the ability to react to sudden unexpected events, like maybe a vehicle braking suddenly, or losing control, is almost nonexistent?
Excessive speed results in vastly diminished ability to react to any sudden unexpected occurrence. Don't believe it? We have a simulation that will change your mind.
Come see us for a personal demonstration that the driver going 20mph or more over the speed limit is the real moron.
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