Teen Gets Jail Time for Texting...and Driving
Apparently the British are a bit harder on drivers who text than the US. Just recently, 19-year old Rachel Beggs was driving AND texting when she rear ended 64-year old Maureen Waites, almost killing her. The crash caused Waites' car to spin out of control and hit a barrier. The crash was caused by Rachel's repeated use of her mobile phone (9 times in the 15 minutes leading up to the accident) while driving 70mph in the dark.
It was her irresponsible behavior that sentenced her to four long years in prison. Looks like she learned the hard way...to keep your eyes on the road (not on your phone) at all times.
Do you think the US should enforce this on all drivers who are caught texting or talking on the phone and cause crashes?
Labels: DrivingMBA, teen drivers, teen sentenced to four years for texting and driving, texting while driving
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