Driving MBA

Driving MBA’s primary objective is to keep teen drivers and all of us safer on the road. Stories about teen drivers continue to be featured in newspapers and publications across the country. Whether it is you, your teen, friends or family, even someone you don’t know, a car collision can change lives forever. Make sure your teen is prepared to handle all types of driving situations.

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Is the Speed Limit a Law, or a Suggestion?

The controversy over photo radar to enforce speed limits on AZ roads is heating up. One of the comments recently posted to a Tribune article follows:

"....... I drive 85 MPH all the time in the left lane. When I see the cameras, I slow down to 74 MPH for fifty feet or so and then speed up again. I don't tailgate, drink or talk on the phone while I drive; did I really endanger anyone? I think not. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a moron."

Does this person understand that at 85mph (criminal speed by AZ statute) the ability to react to sudden unexpected events, like maybe a vehicle braking suddenly, or losing control, is almost nonexistent?

Excessive speed results in vastly diminished ability to react to any sudden unexpected occurrence. Don't believe it? We have a simulation that will change your mind.

Come see us for a personal demonstration that the driver going 20mph or more over the speed limit is the real moron.